We collect iconic pieces of art from Colombia. These are made by talented designers and crafted by hand. Come and take a look and learn more about the diverse culture of Colombia. love

The Blickfang Design Fair in Zurich

22. November 2024

Blickfang Zürich 2024

The hashtag#Blickfang Design Fair 2024 at the Zurich Kongresshaus successfully concluded on Sunday. Our mood: Euphoric! 🚀

The three days of the fair, including setup and teardown, are physically exhausting. But even more so, it feels like your head might explode by evening. Meeting so many fascinating people, discussing potential projects and collaborations, pondering how to improve the stand further, debating manufacturing processes, transport, or other design-related topics. We love it.

Now, it's time to pack up and ship everything.

A big thank you to all of you for your support, for stopping by, for the inspiring conversations, and for your valuable advice.

More news.

Some of our happy customers!

We love happy faces. Here are some inspiring snapshots from our customer's houses and projects. If you want to be part of this impression section, please send us your photo at impressions@baruch-collection.com.

Tingle Tangle Bob
Showcase | Solido | Beige
Showcase, Classic Ariguani, Showroom
Showcase, Solido Recylado, Apartment
Solido an Weihnachten neben gemütlicher Couch
Solido Beige Lounge
Patria Deko an Wand
Showcase, Puro Hierro White, Aparment
Home Staging in Wetzikon
Showcase | Solido | Beige
Entrance of Building / Patria + Petrea
Golden Mamatoco Rocker im Wohnzimmer mit Deko
Tucurinca @ Malso - Showroom
Solido Classic in Schwarz
Showcase, Classic Ariguani, Apartment

Kids-Collection / Tucurinquitas

06. October 2024

Schaukelstühle für Kinder

Great designs for the little ones among us.

Together with Siliblu - Boutique & Atelier, we have launched a kids' rocking chair collection. The materials, fabrics, and shapes were carefully selected and perfectly match the overall concept of the children's store.

There are a total of 10 different models to choose from, so it's definitely worth stopping by 😊

To Siliblu.

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Drop us a message, and we will kindly help you.

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